Search Results
NRRC: SCA Conference: Plenary: Developing and Implementing Reentry Collaborations
NRRC: SCA Conference: Creating the Strategic Plan
NRRC: SCA Conference: Supporting Juveniles Returning from Confinement and Their Families
2011 SCA Conference: Juvenile Reentry in the Context of Adolescent Brain Development
NRRC: SCA Conference: Lunch Plenary: Making a Difference for Families and Communities
NRRC: SCA Conference: Keys to Effective Case Management
Track 1: Session 1a: Community Collaboration in Reentry Part I.mp4
NRRC: SCA Conference: Adult Mentoring Grantees: Working with Corrections and Community Corrections
NRRC: SCA Conference: Making Connections to Treatment
Breakout Session: Explore the What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse
The Behavioral Health Needs Framework and Collaborative Comprehensive Case Plans
2011 SCA Conference: Supporting Juveniles Returning from Out-of-Home Placement and Their Families